Outreach Support

What We Do


How to Arrange Support

Meet the Team

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What We Do

We provide support to people in their own homes to enable them independent living, creating an environment of empowerment beyond what would be achievable on their own.

Support services cover a variety of complex needs and can range from several hours a day to twenty-four-hour care, seven days a week.

We enable people to pursue their hobbies and interests, with the appropriate level of care and support. We respect people’s lifestyle choices and help them to live their life, their way.

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How to Arrange Support

Please call us on 01872 309215 for a chat and to find out more about how we might be able to help.

We will discuss your needs with you, and ask questions that will help us to understand your requirements so that we can put effective personalised support in place.

Arranging care and support can be a daunting process, but our experienced team will walk you through it step-by-step.

So pick up the phone today and see how we can help.

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Meet the Team

Home Care Services fo

Sam Pictor
(Director & Responsible Individual)

Sam is one of our Directors at Kerensa Care and Support, and is Responsible Individual for Outreach Support.

I support Claire and the team to be the best that they can be, facilitating them to develop and grow our team, allowing them to provide the best level of care, personalised to the people we support.

Claire Wallace (Head of Care & Registered Manager)

Claire joined us in October 2022, stepping into the role of Head of Care at Kerensa. With a clear focus on outreach support, Claire works alongside our Team Managers and Directors, to ensure we provide the best possible care and support for people in their own homes and in the community.

We ensure that people are not just cared for and supported, but provided with opportunities to develop and grow and have meaningful interactions and engagement with the communities around them.

I moved to Cornwall 10 years ago and have 20 years of experience working in both Adult Health and Social Care and Children’s Residential Care. I am a people person and passionate about the well-being and support of the team as well as the people that we have the privilege to support. In my “free time” I am a mother of four boys, and a keen Gig rower for Cape Cornwall Gig Club.

Dr David Carruthers (Director)

David is one of our Directors at Kerensa Care and Support. With a background as a Doctor working in the NHS, David still practices part-time as a GP alongside his responsibilities at Kerensa.

“My professional training and background comes as experience as a general practice doctor in the NHS. My whole family is involved in health and social care in one way or another, and it is great to use these familial connections to grow and develop Kerensa into an organisation that provides an outstanding level of care for the people we support, as well as the positive social impact in the community in which we engage.”

I am married to Emily and have three young children who keep us on our toes. Alongside balancing adult social care, GP commitments and my family, I enjoy getting out for a surf before work!